Property Investment

Home Storeys from the House of NK  Realtors Make Homebuying Still Easier


Friday evenings are full of expectations of lazy weekends for Rajat. But when he returned home last Friday, he got quite a shock.

He found his ever-jovial wife Sumitra unusually quiet and serious.

She kept his evening coffee mug with a thud on the dining table but didn’t say anything.

Rajat looked at her with a questioning eye but she didn’t speak.

He waited but to no avail.

“It looks like something happened today,” started Rajat.

“Yes, it did. Something very serious happened today. And such incidents will continue to happen if we don’t do something about it,” Sumitra burst out.

“Why don’t you tell me about it? I promise to do something about it,” assured Rajat.

Sumitra told Rajat What Happened

“My mother, brother, and his wife came today afternoon to invite us and the landlady started her tantrums yet again,” an angry Sumitra revealed.

This is not new.

Whenever they have guests coming, the landlady throws some tantrums.

What was special today?

Sumitra finally divulged that and Rajat became angry too.

He resolved to a decision.

He promised Sumitra that he would take appropriate action.

“Just allow me a little time,” he said.

Rajat Made a Phone Call

Rajat is an IT industry employee and he does have little personal time. He and his wife stay in a rented apartment near Kasba. The owners of the house are an old couple.

The landlady is always after them for every small reason.

There is too much water use. Guests come quite late and park their noisy cars in front of the house. Friends come at odd hours.

Sumitra has to contend with the complaints as Rajat is rarely at home. But today Rajat decided that ‘enough is enough’ and they must buy an apartment of their own immediately.

He called up his friend Subir and asked how he should go about it. He decided to buy a ready apartment and move in as soon as possible.

Subir told him that there are two ways to go about it. The easy way is to search for a broker in any locality and ask for available options.

However, this approach has many pitfalls.

Buying an Apartment from a Local Agent

Buying an apartment from a local agent is sometimes easy, especially if you know the person very well. However, usually, there are quite a few difficulties in dealing with local agents.

Local agents work based on their network and their source of information is unorganized. They have limited local knowledge, especially about the area and its future prospects.

Since these local agents are not well-versed in the legal aspects of real estate they cannot properly advise homebuyers. The legal aspects are of utmost importance while buying ready properties.

Subir cautioned him about any hidden information as Rajat should avoid any nasty surprise after buying the apartment. Local agents rarely have websites where every piece of information is mentioned.

“And what about the price?” asked Rajat.

“You must negotiate hard,” advised Subir, “Don’t rely on the local agent.”

“That’s a problem. I am really a hard negotiator myself,” revealed Rajat.

“I think there is a great solution for you instead of going to a local agent,” Subir spoke slowly.

Home Storeys from the House of NK Realtors

“It will solve your househunting problems fast. They have a large repository of ready homes,” informed Subir, “It’s Home Storeys from the House of NK Realtors.”

“OK, I will put you on to a sales guy from Home Storeys,” assured Subir.

Soon enough, Rajat was sitting at the office of Home Storeys.

Gradually, all his worries melted away like butter on a hot frying pan while talking to Home Storeys Home Advisor.

He was pleasantly surprised by the touching transparency of the homebuying process.

There are obvious benefits of buying an apartment from Home Storeys.

We will see what they are in a moment

Why Should You Buy Your Flat from Home Storeys

Home Storeys is from the House of NK Realtors which has a long 30 years of in-depth knowledge of the local property markets in Kolkata. No local agent can match the huge repository of insight that Home Storeys possesses.

You can get a large number of homebuying options and all of it is listed on Home Storeys website. You can select a few properties for further exploration from the comfort of your home. Detailed information about the resell properties on offer even on completed projects is a big advantage of Home Storeys.

While buying a ready, resell property, you need to consult a professional legal practitioner. Home Storeys offers top-notch legal assistance. Besides, Home Storeys can help you get the best home loan deal, and assist you with the interior decor of your home too.

The homebuying process is transparent and there is no withholding of vital information as is often the practice of unscrupulous local agents. In fact, while dealing with local agents, there is always a fear of being duped by unscrupulous agents.

The most important issue that takes a huge load off your mind is the help of Home Storeys Home Advisors. They can help you negotiate hard and get you the best deal on the strength of a deep knowledge of property pricing and valuation in all the micro-markets of Kolkata.

Rajat Moved into His New Home in Just a Few Days.

Rajat wanted to buy a ready flat and shift as soon as possible. He shortlisted a few properties as per his budget and choice of location.

With the help of Home Storeys Home Advisor, he could complete the process of registration in a matter of days.

If you wish to buy a ready flat and start living in it in a couple of weeks, just contact us.

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